Online Registered Rent Agreement At Your Home Including Visit Rs.999/- Only


We are providing Services for
e-registration of Rent ( Leave & License) Agreement.

About Us

While renting in Mumbai, we are always worry to get rent agreement registered, Mainly cost & time involvement in all process is more.

We know your worries and we started doing rent agreement registration in year 2007.

We are doing rent agreement registration from last 9 years and we have simple process for rent agreement registration.

3-Step Process for Online Registration


  • Call / email us - Tell your requirement
  • We will send you email regarding required documents and sample agreement draft


  • Send all required information to us by email
  • We will prepare agreement draft and send you for your approval
  • Check Draft and confirm /Give comments if any
  • We will update your comments and send you your updated draft.
  • Give your final approval.


  • You can tell us your available time& location for online registration
  • We will come to your place for online registration
  • Registration will be done.
  • Payment will be after registration, no prepayment.